Mar 24, 2014

The Aftermath of the Colombian Socialist Party Extermination.

Almost 30 years after its foundation and the continuous extermination of its members, representatives of the U.P (Unión Patriótica - Patriotic Union), a Socialist party founded in Colombia in 1985, are seeking justice after the systematic assassination of the majority of its leaders in the 80's and 90's. The politic movement was created by multiple ex-guerrilla members that wanted to participate democratically in order to end the civil war in which the country was immersed. However, there was to much hatred between the multiple parts of this conflict that made the U.P dream just an illusion. During this violent era of the Colombian history it was a common to see in the news that politic leaders were assassinated by either the Colombian government, the multiple guerrillas or the paramilitares. The U.P became the target of this dirty warfare, and the party was nearly exterminated. When the trials for the murdering of these leaders started, the government and the Colombian court system denied the participation of governmental members and the use of national resources in these killings. They blamed the guerrillas and the narco-traffic cartels.
Even though these organizations had some responsibility and were obviously involved, the reality was that the Colombian government had the biggest motives for murdering the leaders of the U.P. The members of the U.P were revealing some of the dirty games of the government, showing the alliances between the drug cartels, the paramilitares, the guerrillas and the government. Furthermore, they illustrated the mechanics that the government was using to control the country.
Now, the representatives of the U.P are in Washington, in the CIDH (Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos- Interamerican Court of Human Rights) seeking for a definitive solution in order to bring peace and justice for the family members of those who were assassinated. The government response was to send a representative in order to find a "peaceful" way to solve the conflict, some sort of conciliation. However, the reality behind this tactic is to avoid a sanction of the CIDH. If the CIDH considers that the rights of the representatives of the U.P are being violated, or that there was not a correct judicial process regarding the deaths of the U.P leaders, the court is able to emit a judgment that forces the government to do whatever the CIDH considers. That is what the government is trying to avoid. However, in my opinion, the legal representatives of the U.P should not accept the offer of the government. The government should be punished because of the sick and twisted tactics they use for keeping their interests protected. There is no other solution that showing the world what this government is capable of. 

Image taken form the web page
Maseri, Sergio. "Colombia Pide en la CIDH conciliar en caso Unión Patiótica." El Tiempo. March 24, 2014. Web<> March 24, 2014.

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