Mar 16, 2014

Colombian Idiosyncrasy.

Maybe, just maybe, what I'm going to explain in the next few lines would be perceived by many as plain and simple craziness, but I think something like this deserves a short analysis. 
One of the first book I read when I was little was a book titled "La Bruja" (The Witch) by a Colombian writer and journalist named German Castro Caycedo. In this book, Caycedo explained different factors of the Colombian idiosyncrasy. As many people know, Colombia is a territory full of economic and social differences and inequalities, and this causes that in different regions education becomes a "not so important" issue. This lack of education creates a lack of critical thinking, and fantastic ideas take over scientific and logical knowledge. One of these fantastic ideas is the belief in supernatural forces. The book was some kind of a long interview with a very famous witch from the region of Antioquia. In the report she argued that black magic was used by many individuals who wanted to obtain benefits by injuring others, and causing them multiple harms. Amanda, the witch, said that she also helped politicians and drug dealers by protecting them and harming their enemies. The book was, in conclusion a journalistic chronicle of the life of this woman.
However, last week I discovered an article titled "La Bruja Más Famosa de Colombia es Ahora un Apostol de Dios" that said that this same woman, who was previously a witch, now belongs to a religious group. For me there is absolutely no problem in this. For me the real issue is the reason why she decided to take this controversial turn. Some may say that this new life style is the correct "path," but, what is right and what is wrong? what is above, and what is below? The real issue for me is why Colombians are making such a huge deal out of this. In my mind, there is no other answer for this than saying that Colombians feel more puzzled by things and events that they cannot explain rather than feeling interested in logical and scientific events. In many cases and in many occasions I've seen how Colombians refuse to become educated, and by this I am talking about the fact of attending school, or even questioning if what they are told is truth or not. For me, and I'm being biased here, education and knowledge are the most valuable resources that one can obtain in this life. I cannot understand how an individual prefers a gun or a bottle of liquor rather than a book. Colombians are full of magical ideas, and when one question them about those magical ideas, they become furious. I wonder, is it fear, or just simple conformism? And this hurts me, my soul is harmed every time I observe something like this. But how can one help someone that does not want to be helped?
Thanks God we found the way to forget about all of this crap. Lets drink, pray and forget. After all, it is the Colombian way to do things. 
Image taken from the web site "La Bruja-Germán Castro Caycedo."
Mojica, Jose Alberto. "La Bruja Más Famosa de Colombia es Ahora un Apostol de Dios." El Tiempo. Bogota: March 15, 2024. Web. March 16, 2014.

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