Mar 31, 2014

Psychosis? We Don't Care. 

Watching your love ones going down because of a mental illness is something that can really push anyone to the limit. Mental disorders are one of the most common illnesses that can create disability, however, governments all around the world seem to think that mental disorders are something that became part of the past. Al Jazeera's article titled "U.S Policy Puts Strain on Mentally Ill" describes this paradigm in the U.S, where the government shirked the budget for mental healthcare. Since the great depression in the 30's the number of beds in psychiatric hospitals have decreased from almost half a million to 35,000 as in 2012. The fact that the government is not longer paying attention to a community that is getting bigger and bigger everyday is worrying. In fact, after the school massacres that have happened in the U.S during the last years, the government should really consider the policies they are creating regarding this ambit. Psychological and Psychiatric treatment, just as other treatments for physical illnesses, is really expensive, and in some cases it is even more expensive than the treatment for body diseases. People who suffer from complicated psychiatric disorders need constant care and observation, which is not cheap either. As we can see, by shortening the aid for mentally ill individuals, the government is encouraging the outbreak of mental disorders. 
Epidemiology in Psychology explains that the individuals around a person with a mental disorder, specially if they are involved in an emotional level with the person who is suffering the disorder, are also vulnerable to developing a mental disorder. This does not happen because mental illnesses can be transferred from one person to another, but because of all the stress and anxiety this causes in the people around a person with a mental disorder. It is incredible to see how a government that has all the facilities and opportunities to help its people prefers to help the industrial and military complexes rather that encouraging welfare among its citizens. Mentally ill people are individuals how had suffer a lot of trauma in their lives. Their situation is not easy, they have to deal with their own problems, and one of these problems is to find an appropriate treatment. If they cannot find a treatment that can help them to find their way to a decent life, how can they find the internal peace they are denied? Sadly, the U.S government thinks that expending billions and billions of dollars in warfare and other kinds of stupid crap is better than helping their own people to find internal peace. 
What can someone do when there is no salvation at sight?

Image taken from the web page 
n.a. "U.S Policy Puts Strain on Mentally Ill." Al Jazeera. Richmond, Virginia. (March 29, 2014). Web. <> March 31, 2014.

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