Mar 16, 2014

Race, The Biggest Lie of our Time.

It seems easy, you may think, to define what race is. But before you, my dear reader, say something regarding this topic, let me ask you one question: What is your race? Not so easy, don't you think? During these last days I've been asking myself the question of what is race, and I've come to the conclusion that I don't really understand what is race anymore. For many years I was told that race comes from the different physical differences between different groups of individuals. These physical traits were supposedly coded by genes, which carried all of our genetic information in our DNA. Therefore, race was nothing more than the "scientific" stratification of the physical differences among humans. I could not have been more wrong.
This revelation came to me thanks to an amazing documentary by California Newsreel titled "Race: The Power of an Illusion." This documentary gathered different sets of evidence that showed that race was not a scientific concept, but rather a biological myth. The documentary showed that scientist were unable to find any sort of genetic marks that defined race. According to it, humans were more similar between them than any other specie in the planet. Furthermore, the documentary proved that science and genetics have proved that variation in physical traits include very few genes and that more complex traits, such as intelligence, strength, and physical aptitude have no correlation with genetic material. This well supported evidence made me come to the realization that race is just the way to justify false ideas and concepts that are held as true by many, including me. But the documentary did not stop there, it went further. 
Race, as we understand it is nothing more than a cultural classification. It is based on false ideas that were spread by individuals who saw it as a form of justifying social hierarchy for the sole intention of obtaining both economic and social benefits. When one thinks about this and tries to connect it back to historical evidence one can see multiple connections. Events such as the Holocaust, American racism era, multiple genocides and the Apartheid in South Africa are examples of how race has been used as a method for obtaining power at any cost. The idea that my genetic material can be more alike to the genetic material of someone who does not belong to "my race" is mind-blowing. That is why I recommend everyone who has an opportunity to see this documentary to do so. It is time for everyone to realize that we are living a lie, we are living an illusion. 
Image taken from the web site US Slave.

Adelman, Larry. "Race: The Power of an Illusion." California Newsreel. 2003. Ford Foundation. Film.   

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