Mar 31, 2014

Food is Gross. REALLY GROSS. 

To eat or not to eat, that is the question. Nowadays, consuming food has become one of the most dangerous activities for humans. Food is not food anymore. The majority of products advertised are just a bunch of chemicals mix together with artificial flavor. The idea is revolting. We are being feed by multinationals that try to save money by transforming garbage into "food." But this is not the worst fact. The majority of individuals are buying and consuming that stuff. Why? Because transnational companies and multinationals are hiding the truth from everyone. They don't want people to know how food is being produced and what materials and substances are being added to our food without us knowing.
Companies are trying to fool consumers by creating the image of natural and organic food, when in all reality there is nothing natural in the garbage they sell. They only way to get to know what we eat is to get to know where does our food come from. Food Inc is a 2008 documentary directed by Robert Kenner in which investigators search for the origin of the food Americans consume. What they found is not only disgusting, but incredibly wicked. 
It is sick to find out that what we bring to our tables are products created with genetically modified plants and animals, diseases, animal wastes and more pathogens that can risk not only our health but our life. However it is even more sick to find out that the companies that are in control of this market are in control of politics, propaganda and economics in general. The documentary depicts the relationships created between lobbyists defending the wicked game of these companies, multinationals and the government. One clear example of this idea is how Monsanto, a company that genetically modifies food to create a "better agricultural impact," manages politics to do whatever they want. Monsanto created genetically engineered seeds that they patented. By doing so they were able to claim ownership of seeds. They sell seeds that are both infertile and  resistant to the chemicals they also sell. Farmers who don't buy their seeds are chased like the worst criminals. Why? because their crops are contaminated by genetically modified crops (GMO's) nearby. When this happens, Monsanto can claim the ownership of that crop, even though farmers never desired or bought Monsanto seeds. Farmers are also forbidden from keeping their seeds.
But how can authorities allow this violation of human and property rights? The answer to this is easy. The ones that own these companies and violate these rights are the ones that control national and international authorities. This is a direct effect of capitalism acting over human life. This is an example of the way that corporatocracy controls and runs the world. 
But Monsanto is not the only corporation doing this. Multiple companies all over the world are doing exactly the same thing. Their only goal is to gather as much money as possible. They don't care for the welfare of the world. Not even the welfare of their own nation. Other example of this politic management of the food corporations is the corn industry in the U.S. The amount of corn produced is ridicule. Mountains and mountains of corn are produced in the U.S everyday and this corn is not only used for feeding people. Nowadays corn is used for multiple purposes, including feeding cows and other animals who are not used to consume corn and for industrial complex. We can find corn everywhere, in cereal, sodas, in diapers, batteries and even politics. Companies pay individuals that have political power to pass laws that give them the results they want. 
As seen, the food industry more than industry is a mafia. They own nature, resources and have the power to do whatever they want. The only want to try to escape this ridicule is to go back to where the real food is produced. My only advice is to get to know what you are eating, and if it is possible, to buy the least contaminated food possible. By doing so, we stop contributing to the growth of these companies, sick for power.

Image taken form the web page
Kenner, Robert. "Food Inc." Magnolia Pictures. 2008. Film

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