Feb 27, 2014

How to Step over the Colombian Constitution.

After many years of conflict, different guerillas, and ideological clashes, Colombia is experimenting a period of relative peace and tranquility. However, many of these conflicts were absorbed into the political atmosphere, and each political party is continuously trying to overcome the other. During the last weeks, this was shown through the political and ideological clash between Alejandro Ordoñez, the General Inspector of Colombia and Gustavo Petro, the Bogota's Mayor. Petro was accused of not investing the money for a new garbage disposal plan in Bogota correctly, and was sanctioned by the General Inspector. The sanction included his destitution and his inability to participate in Colombian politics for 15 years.
But even though Petro's plan did not work as he wanted to, the entire amount of money was invested as it is summarized in the report he presented to the Colombian government. The main problem was that the trucks he ordered from the U.S were old and damaged. When those trucks (designed for garbage disposal) arrived to Cartagena, they were confiscated because they did not pass Colombia's environmental laws. During approximately a week, Bogota was covered by garbage. 
The investigation began, and Petro was accused to be the only responsible for this garbage chaos. The previous mayor of Bogota, Samuel Moreno, was also removed from power when the government discovered that he was stealing the money that was designated for the construction of the third phase of Trasmilenio, Bogota's system of integrated transportation. Moreno received a much more simpler punishement, compared to the crimes he committed.
But Petro was treated differently, because he is the main enemy of the General Inspector. Petro belonged to the M-19 guerilla back in the 80's. Ordoñez is a devouter catholic, an old fashioned politician. Their ideologies, ways, and strategies are completely different. But Ordoñez believes that he can outlaw and destitute whoever he wants, stepping over what people wants.
The tragedy is far from its end. In less than two months, Bogota's people is going to vote whether it  is fair to destitute Petro or not.

For further information: http://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/consejo-de-estado-deja-en-firme-destitucion-de-petro/378662-3

Image taken from the article "Ordoñez Sería Negador del Holocauto." 
n.a. "Consejo de Estado Deja en Firme la Destitución de Petro." Semana. n.p, Feb 26, 2014. Web. <http://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/consejo-de-estado-deja-en-firme-destitucion-de-petro/378662-3> Feb 27, 2014.

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